Rabu, 29 Maret 2017

Dr.Dirgantara wicaksono,M.Pd,MM. Tugas the definition and nature of the curriculum

the term "curriculum" has various interpretations formulated by-pakarahli experts in the field of curriculum development since the beginning until today. Commentaries on the meaning and definition of the curriculum is different from one another, in accordance with the gravity core and in the view of the experts concerned.
Initially the term curriculum is used in the world of sports in Ancient Greece. Curriculum in the Greek language comes from the word "Curriculae", "Curir" means runners and "Curere" means taken or race. Curriculum defined distance that must be taken by the runner. Taking the meaning contained on the formulation of the curriculum in education means a number of subjects that must be taken or completed the students to obtain a diploma. Curriculum as the educational program should include: (1). Some subjects or organizational knowledge; (2) experiential learning or learning activities; (3) learning program (plan for learning) for students; (4) the expected learning outcomes.
From the formulation of the curriculum defined "program and learning experiences and learning outcomes expected, formulated through knowledge and activities systematically arranged, given to students under the responsibility of the school to help the growth and development of students' personal and social competence. Simply put, the notion of curriculum is a period of education that must be taken by students who aim to obtain a diploma. By taking a curriculum, students can earn a diploma. In this case, a diploma essentially a proof that the student has taken the form of curriculum lesson plans, as well as a runner had covered a distance between one place to another and finally reach the finish. In other words, a curriculum is regarded as a very important bridge to reach the end point of a journey and is characterized by the acquisition of a specific diploma
There are four dimensions of the concept and curriculum theory, is the reference in terms of curriculum, namely:
1.      Curriculum as an idea, is the aspiration, desire, hope or purpose rethinking of what is best to be achieved in an educational activity (Hasan, 1991), policy (Schubert, 1986), Theory (Bickman, 1987), According to hasan (1991), the idea is basically the curriculum as there is in every person. A student has an idea of ​​the curriculum when he talked about what actually the purpose of an education and how they are carried. Of course what it difikirkannya accordance with the level of knowledge of its insights. For the student level, desire or hope it is more in the interests of the environment are very individual.Teachers must have a curriculum as an idea. This curriculum that is then used to emmbaca and interpret what is stated in the curriculum document. As the teacher is very difficult, perhaps even impossible, to realize their ideas to become a national or local curriculum. Even if what is stated in the national curriculum corresponds to what difikirkannya, it is more of a coincidence. However, teachers are not the last instance the ultimate authority to determine what will happen in the classroom, therefore, in planning classroom activities teachers ideas are applicable.
2.      Curriculum as a written plan tentnag learning (educational documents). curriculum as a written plan memiliku particular format. In Indonesia, we know that the matrix format used the 1975 curriculum, 1986 curriculum, 1994 curriculum, and so on.
3.      The curriculum as a process of learning (PBM). Understanding the curriculum as an activity (process) is the dimension of the curriculum that directly deal with the realities of the field. This is where ideas get tested dimension. Is the national idea known and recognized curriculum implementers in the field or not. If it is known whether the idea was accepted and developed by pelakasana. This issue is the most critical issue of curriculum in the whole process of curriculum development. Therefore (Waring 1979) warned that if what is happening on the ground is different in principle with the original idea of ​​the curriculum diimplementasiaknnya not the original curriculum.
4.      The curriculum as learning outcomes (outputs, outcomes, benefits, impact). Dimensional curriculum as activities (implementation) consists of two main aspects. The first is the aspect of teacher planning. Here teachers develop curriculum as written plans and activities in the context of education in Indonesia known as the lesson unit (Satpel) or now called RPP. Basically, this is an interpretation of a written satpel teachers know about what is on the written documents of the national curriculum. Thus saypel can be interpreted as written curriculum teachers. Dimensions of the curriculum as an activity that determines what is obtained by the students. So, the result is determined by the student's learning curriculum that happened and not by the curriculum in bentu as a written plan. That is, what is actually experienced by students can not be imposed on the curriculum as defined by the Minister of National Education
       In Indonesia the term "curriculum" new arguably become popular since the fifties, which was popularized by those who receive education in the United States. Today the term that has been known to people outside of education. Previous commonly used is the "lesson plan" essentially the same curriculum synonymous with lesson plans.
Several other interpretations expressed as follows.
Curriculum as learning plans. The curriculum is an educational program provided to membelajarkan students. With the program the students perform a variety of learning activities, resulting in a change and the development of students' behavior in accordance with the purpose of education and learning. In other words, the school provides an environment for students that provide learning opportunities. That is why, a curriculum should be structured in such a way that the purpose can be achieved. The curriculum is not limited to the number of subjects only, but includes everything that can affect the development of students, such as school buildings, teaching tools, equipment, libraries, pictures, school yard, and others; which in turn provides the possibility to learn effectively. All opportunities and activities to be and need to be done by the students is planned in a curriculum.
The curriculum contains the content and subject matter. The curriculum is a number of subjects that must be taken and studied by students to memperolehsejumlah knowledge. Courses (subject matter) is seen sebagaipengalaman parents or clever people of the past, which have been arranged systematically and logically. The courses mengisis the subject matter presented to the students, so as to obtain some knowledge useful to him
Pengelaman curriculum as learning. Formulation / understanding other curricula are somewhat different to previous notions emphasized that the curriculum is a series of learning experiences. One of the supporters of this experience is stated as follows:
"Curriculum is interpreted to mean all of the organized courses, activities, and experiences the which pupils have under direction of the school from, whether in the classroom or not (Romine, 1945, p. 14). Understanding it shows that the activities are not limited curriculum in the classroom only, but includes activities outside the classroom. There is no clear separation between intra- and extra curriculum. All activities provide a learning experience / education for students is essentially the curriculum.
Definition and Understanding Curriculum According to the expert
Regarding the curriculum, here is the definition and understanding of the curriculum according to the opinions of experts who have been disclosed, such as:
1.      Law No. 20 of 2003. The curriculum is a set of plans and a setting related to the objectives, content, teaching materials and methods used as a guideline in the implementation of learning activities to achieve a national education goals.
2.      Dr. H. Nana Sudjana Year (2005). The curriculum is the intention and the hope that is poured into the form of plans and programs implemented by educators in the school. Curriculum as the intentions and plans, while implementation is is a learning process. Involved in the process that educators and learners.
3.      Crow and Crow. The curriculum is a draft in teaching systematically arranged to complete the program in obtaining a diploma. Drs. Cece Wijaya, et al. Deciphering the curriculum in a broad sense that includes the entire program and life in school.
4.      Prof.Dr. Henry Guntur Tarigan. The curriculum is a formulation that includes most major pedagogical and foremost in the context of teaching and learning.
5.      Harsono (2005). Revealed that the curriculum is an educational ideas are expressed through practice. Understanding the current curriculum is growing, so is the curriculum not only as educational ideas, but the whole program planned learning from educational institutions nationwide.
6.      Hamid Hasan (1988). Argued that the concept of curriculum can be viewed from four angles: (1) the curriculum as an idea; generated through the theories and research; (2) as a written plan, which is an embodiment of the curriculum as an idea, in which contains about objectives, teaching materials, learning activities, tools or media, and learning time; (3) as an activity, is the implementation of the curriculum as a written plan that is in the form of teaching practice; (4) as a result, that is a consequence of the curriculum as an activity, through ketercapaiannya objectives of the curriculum to learners.
7.      Kerr, J.F (1968). The curriculum is designed around the learning and dilakukakan individually or in groups, both within the school and outside the school.
8.      George A. Beaucham (1976). The curriculum is defined as a written document containing all subjects will be taught to students through the choice of a variety of disciplines and the problem in everyday life.
9.      V.Carter Good (1973). Saying that the curriculum is a set of courses or learning a systematic order.
10.  Inlow (1966). The curriculum is a comprehensive effort designed specifically in order to guide the learners in the learning gained from the learning outcomes that have been defined.
11.  B. Bara, Ch (2008). Conceptualize the notion curriculum into four, namely: (1) curriculum as a product; (2) as a program; (3) as the desired result or be achieved; And (4) as a learning experience.
12.  David Praff. The curriculum is a set of organization of formal education / training centers of learning.
13.  Donald E. Orlasky, Othanel Smith (1978) and Peter F. Olivva (1982). Basically states that the curriculum is a form of experience planning and program directed learners and developed in school.
14.  Daniel Tanner and Laurel Tanner. They put forward the notion of curriculum as a learning experience that is directed, planned systematically also arranged through the process of reconstruction of knowledge and experience and under the supervision of educational institutions so that the students have the motivation and interest in learning
15.  Neagley and Evans (1967). Challenging the curriculum as an experience that has been designed from the school to assist students in achieving good learning outcomes.
16.  Hilda Taba (1962). The curriculum is regarded as a plan of learning, which means that the curriculum was planned to be studied by learners.
17.  Grayson (1978). Explaining the curriculum as a plan to obtain the expected expenditure of a lesson that has been taught.
18.  Prof. Dr. S. Nasution, M. A. Explaining the curriculum as a plan drawn up to launch the process of teaching and learning activities in the shade, guidance and tanggunga responsibility of schools / educational institutions.
19.  S. H. Hasan (1992). According to the curriculum is the flexibility. Ie, as an educational thought for education and training, resulting in a theoretical position, must be developed in the curricula as planned and is also considered as a curriculum developer rules.
20.  Prof. Drs. H. Darkir. Stating that the curriculum is a tool in achieving educational goals. Thus, the curriculum is the educational program and not a teaching program, so the program was planned and designed as a teaching material and also a learning experience.
21.  William B. Variety & Robert S. Flaming. The curriculum is the whole experience of learners are the responsibility of the school or institution.
22.  Murray Print. Explains that the curriculum is planned learning space, given directly to the students by an educational institution and is an experience that can be enjoyed by all students when the curriculum was implemented.
23.  Saylor (1958). The curriculum is a total business school to affect PBM either directly in the classroom, the playground, or outside the school.
24.  Valiga, T & Magel, C. Curriculum is a sequence of experiences that have been assigned by the school to discipline the way of thinking and acting learners
The curriculum as a tool in education has a variety of functions in education which was instrumental in kegunannya. The curriculum is as follows function ...
·         Adjustment function (the adjustive or adaptive function): The curriculum serves as the adjustment is the ability to adjust to changes in their environment because the environment is dynamic meaning that it can change.
·         Function integration (the integrating function): The curriculum serves as an adjustment implies that the curriculum is an educational tool that is able to produce individuals who Utut which can needed and integrate in society.
·         Differentiation Function (the diferentiating function): The curriculum serves as diferensiansi is a tool that provides services from various differences in each student that should be respected and served.
·         Preparation function (the propaeduetic function): The curriculum serves as a preparation which implies that the curriculum as an educational tool capable of preparing students kejenjang next and also can prepare to live in the community, if no proceedings in education.
·         Selection Function (the selective function): The curriculum serves as the election is to provide opportunities for students to determine the choice of learning programs that match their interests and talents.
·         Diagnostic Functions (the diagnostic function): The curriculum as a diagnostic implies that the curriculum is an educational tool that is capable of directing and understand the potential of students as well as weakness in him. If you already understand the potential and know the weaknesses, it is expected that students can develop the potential and improve weaknesses.
The curriculum is created and designed as a tool to reach the goal of universal education in all learning activities in schools and have the main components and supporting interconnected between them. The components of the curriculum were:
·         Purpose: Contains the learning objectives to be achieved.
·         Material or content: An instructional materials that will be delivered by educators to learners
·         Media (facilities and infrastructure): Props and infrastructure that support teaching and learning.
·         Strategy: The method or tactics that will be applied in the learning process
·         Teaching and learning process: Aiming at a learning process that includes any form of appreciation of learners
In the course of history since 1945, the national education curriculum has changed, Developments Regarding the curriculum, has alternated ganti.yaitu in 1947, 1952, 1964, 1968, 1975, 1984, 1994, 1999, 2004 and 2006 are as follows
·         1947- Leer Year Plan (Lesson Plan)
·         1952 - Unraveling Lesson Plans
·         1964 - Education Renthjana
·         1968 - 1968 Curriculum
·         1975 - 1975 Curriculum
·         1984 - 1984 Curriculum
·         1994 - and Curriculum 1999 - 1994 and Sublemen Curriculum Curriculum 1999
·         Year 2004- Competency-Based Curriculum
·         Year 2006- Education Unit Level Curriculum
·         Curriculum 2013- Year 2013.
The curriculum is an important part of learning. Krikulum proper development will bring appropriate learning process and can achieve the best possible education for students. In addition, there is a strategy in the curriculum of the curriculum, it is closely related to the learning process, ie how (strategies), methods, or activities for the learning process takes place effectively and efesiaen so that learners gain experience learning to achieve goals

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